- 他のスレッドからAPIのメソッドを(一部例外あり)を呼び出さない
- メインのスレッドをスリープ状態にしてはならない
- 遅延タスク(Delayed Task)
- 連続タスク(Repeating Task)
- 戻り値を返すタスク
- メインサーバスレッド
- 専用スレッド
Thread Model
スケジューラにどのスレッドタイプを利用すれば良いかが、最も重要な問題です。 間違ったスレッドタイプを利用すると、検出が困難な障害を断続的に発生させる原因となります。また、そのような障害は試験サーバでは発生せず、頻繁に連続稼動しているサーバでのみ発生する場合がある等、再現性が低い障害である場合もあるため、原因の特定を更に困難にします。
- 重要: このスレッドが停止すると、サーバがフリーズします。
- スケジューラメソッドの呼び出し
- 将来、スケジューラの戻り値の仕様が変更される可能性があるため注意して下さい(下記参照)
- 停止・待機処理を行わないタスク
- Bukkit APIのメソッドを呼び出すタスク(スレッドセーフな方法を除いては、下記参照)
- 自スレッドをスリープ状態にするタスク
- 停止・待機処理を含むスレッド。(例:ネットワーク通信の受信タスク)
Asynchronous Tasks
These tasks are executed by a thread other than the main server thread. These threads can be put to sleep/blocked without causing any problems as the thread is dedicated to the task. The rules for these threads are the opposite of the rules for synchronous threads.
An async thread CAN be used for
- Scheduler method calls
- Other tasks which don't access the plugin API
An async thread MUST be used for
- Tasks which put the current thread to sleep
- This includes tasks which block, i.e. network read tasks
An async thread MUST NOT be used for
- Tasks which call Bukkit API methods (except thread safe method, see below)
Task Types
There are 3 types of task, repeating tasks, delayed tasks, and tasks which return a value.
The API interface is described [here]
Delayed Tasks
Tasks can be submitted to be executed after a delay. This delay can be set to zero.
This submits a task to the main thread to be executed after 3 seconds.
myPlugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(myPlugin, new Runnable() { public void run() { getServer().broadcastMessage("This message is broadcast by the main thread"); } }, 60L);
The time delay is 60. This counts in server ticks. There are 20 ticks per second, so the delay is 60/20 = 3.
This code could be executed by another thread. If the code
getServer().broadcastMessage("This message is broadcast by an async thread");
was executed by another thread, it could cause problems since the broadcastMessage method is being executed by another thread.
Repeating Tasks
Tasks can be submitted to be repeated. An initial delay is also set.
This submits a task to an async thread to be executed after 3 seconds with a period of 10 seconds.
myPlugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleAsyncRepeatingTask(myPlugin, new Runnable() { public void run() { System.out.println("This message is printed by an async thread"); } }, 60L, 200L);
Both times count in server ticks. The initial delay is 60/20 = 3 seconds and the period is 200/20 = 10 seconds.
The above code will print "This message is printed by an async thread" every 10 seconds.
Tasks which return a value
It is possible to submit tasks which return a value to the scheduler. Only submission for execution by the main thread is supported.
The purpose of this system is to allow API methods that return values to be called by other threads.
The scheduler returns a Future object that can be used to obtain the result.
Future<String> returnFuture = myPlugin.getServer().getScheduler().callSyncMethod(myPlugin, new Callable<String>() { public String call() { return "This is the string to return"; } }); try { // This will block the current thread String returnValue = returnFuture.get(); System.out.println(returnValue); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interrupt triggered which waiting on callable to return"); } catch (ExecutionException e) { System.out.println("Callable task threw an exception"); ee.getCause().printStackTrace(); }
This will submit the callable and then use the Future.get() method. This method sleeps the current thread until the Callable has returned a value and gets the result.
Use From The Main Thread
This is NOT recommended.
This system isn't intended to be used from the main thread.
If you use the .get() method on the future, it sleeps the current thread (i.e. the main thread), until the (asleep) main thread completes the task.
If you absolutely must use it in the main thread, you MUST check the .isDone() method before calling the .get() method of Future objects returned by the scheduler. Otherwise, the main thread will sleep waiting for the task to be completed (by the main thread).
Thread Safe API Methods
Bukkit API methods which are thread safe are:
- All the scheduler methods
- Bukkit.getServer()
- Server.getBukkitVersion()
- World.getUID()
- World.getMaxHeight()
- World.getSeed()
- World.getBlockTypeIdAt(int x, int y, int z)
- Entity.getEntityId()
- Entity.getUniqueId()
- This list is not complete.