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[http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Forge_Events 翻訳元]
== Forge Events ==
With the new Forge Event Bus system, everything is done using events. For an introduction on how to use the event system, read AtomicStryker's guide on How To Use Forge Events
The @ForgeSubscribe annotation subscribes a method to the event system, and the parameters of the method determines which events it receives.
A super class parameter will make the method also receive all subclass events. This is a list of events currently available.
Notice that all sub classes will of course have access to the properties of their super class, thus this page will not list those as fields for the sub class.
 新しいForge Event Bus systemなら、あらゆるイベントを扱うことが出来る。このイベントシステムの導入については、AtomicStryker's guide on How To Use Forge Eventsを読んで欲しい。
 The @ForgeSubscribe annotation(Forgeの自署注釈)は、イベントシステムのメソッドと、そのメゾットが受け取るパラメータ(引数)について書いてある。
This event list is currently based on Minecraft Forge 4.0.0 build 200.
このイベントリストは現在Minecraft Forge 4.0.0 build 200に基づいている。
== CommandEvent ==
Called when a command is sent.

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