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682行目: 682行目:
独自に権限の仕組みを提供するプラグインを開発したい場合、 [[権限プラグインの開発方法]]を参考にして下さい。
独自に権限の仕組みを提供するプラグインを開発したい場合、 [[権限プラグインの開発方法]]を参考にして下さい。
== Scheduling Tasks and Background Tasks  ==
Currently, Minecraft servers operate nearly all of the game logic in one thread, so each individual task that happens in the game needs to be kept very short. A complicated piece of code in your plugin has the potential to cause huge delays and lag spikes to the game logic, if not handled properly.
Luckily, Bukkit has support for scheduling code in your plugin. You can submit a Runnable task to occur once in the future, or on a recurring basis, or you can spin off a whole new independent thread that can perform lengthy tasks in parallel with the game logic.
There is a separate [[Scheduler Programming]] tutorial which introduces the Scheduler, and gives more information on using it to schedule synchronous tasks, and on kicking off asynchronous tasks in Bukkit.
== スケジューリングタスクとバックグラウンドタスク ==
== スケジューリングタスクとバックグラウンドタスク ==

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